OMGcow 136: Hair


  1. Sometimes you gotta remember where you came from. At least you can still grow hair (I can't... at least not everywhere).

  2. I know what it's like. I should really bleach my mousy brown-ish roots a lot more often than I do, but I'm always too lazy. And as a Swedish girl, I almost feel like I have some sort of "blonde legacy" to uphold XD
    By the way, There is a cartoonist called Li Österberg who always draws herself with a hairstyle similar to yours.
    And a cartoonist from Finland, too, can't remember her name. Maybe it's a special "cartoonist hairstyle"?

  3. Matt - But you have such a fun head-shape to draw!

    Malin - LOL at "blonde legacy." And it's definitely a cartoonist-hairstyle, better known as the "I'm way too busy drawing to bother with my hair" style. :D

  4. I love your funny coloured hair, but sometimes life takes over! ;)
