OMGcow 116


  1. *to the music of Indiana Jones* Sheikasaurus Rex and the Quest of the Perfect Sketchbook!

    Good luck with your ongoing search Sheika!

  2. I'm the same way...I can never find the perfect book...and I used to basically scrapbook. I would paste things in there and paint and draw with all kinds of mediums so the pages had to be sturdy. I also needed it to have one of those rubberband things around it because the stuff I would paste in would not really be for pasting lol

    You should check out a company called PaperBlanks. They sell them at Barnes & Noble. They have an awesome pocket in the back cover that's handy for holding all manner of nifty the rubberband and the paper is thick as well. They have all different sizes...lined and unlined...and some of the coolest covers.

    Good luck!
