OC 72: Fired!


Y'know...maybe for Halloween I'll make one of those headbands with the arrows around it so it looks like you've got an arrow through your head...except I'll replace the arrows with those steam things. Yeah.


OC 68: Messiah Cat

It was hilarious when I found that the current storyline of Girls With Slingshots eerily imitates life. If I find that pink bastard anywhere near my house, I'm getting my shotgun! Haha!

OC 66: Installation Day


I spent the entire day setting for an art show at POST gallery in downtown LA. It was delicious! Haha!

The show went quite well. It consisted of myself making paper cranes out of newspaper and handing them out to people, sitting front of a projected film I'd made featuring footage from Skid Row. *insert socio-political mumbo-jumbo conceptual explanation of art here*

I should get recordings back of the performance soon. I'd like to see how it went from the audience's perspective.


OC 65: Dancing cows


I love these guys sooooo much!!! They're smilies over at the Crafter/DIY forum I'm on. If you're interested in alternative crafts (aka. NOT your grannie's sewing projects) head on over!

Please use this referral link. Help me win this awesome contest!!!

Attack of The Craft - A Discussion Forum for Crafters, DiY Artisans, and Lovers of Handmade!

Join Attack of The Craft - A Discussion Forum for Crafters, DiY Artisans, and Lovers of Handmade!
