OC 83: Baking


It actually wasn't that bad. It tasted like a very basic sort of...dense unleavened bread. I got a lot better with each successive attempt.

bread 01bread 04bread 06pie 01

From left to right:

1. The very first bread. Just water, flour, yeast and salt.
2. Substituted the water for milk, added butter and sugar. The loaf came out fluffy and buttery, the cross buns were buttered right before baking which resulted in a nice crisp crust. The giant cinnamon roll was an experiment, it was fluffy but not cinnamon-y enough.
3. A sweet milk loaf with a cinnamon spiral through the inside. I rolled out the dough in a snake, coated one side with powdered cinnamon then rolled it into a loaf. Came out yummy!
4. Lastly, my very first pie! The pie filling is a strawberry compote made of mashed strawberries, sugar and corn starch for thickness; layered with fresh sliced strawberries. Pie crust is entirely from scratch, just milk, sugar, butter and flour.



  1. Sheika got bitten by the baking bug!
    Seems to have been going around! ;)
    I still need to work on bread, I've limited myself to cupcakes as of late ;)

  2. Mmm... the comic made me hungry but the photos put me over the edge. Sheeeiikka! Damn you ;D

  3. I wonder if pie can survive in the mail...
