OC 50: Oreos


My wardrobe selection has always consisted of bright colors, even more so as a child growing up in the late 80s/early 90s. Anyone remember Day Glo's line of clothes and accessories? I was all over that stuff!


Also, a huge thanks to Monica of After Midnight Designs for donating awesome jewelry to DIYscene4charity

is an Etsy shop featuring handmade items donated by DIYscene Etsy Street Team members. 100% of all proceeds go to various charities. Our current charity is Haiti Relief through Doctors Without Borders.

As part of our new gratitude program, I am giving a free week-long ad-space for donors. Click on the image below to visit Monica's shop. If you wish to buy handmade and donate to Haiti Relief, visit DIYscene4charity.etsy.com



  1. My wife loves Oreos but I'll take a nice chocolate chip or oatmeal raisin cookie any day.

  2. Oreos are nice! But I have to say my favourite way of eating them is crumbled with ice-cream!! =D

  3. you always give me the cookie and take the cream.
